Picking a Domain Name for Direct Primary Care

What Makes a Great Domain Name for a Direct Primary Care Practice?

What Makes a Great Domain Name for a Direct Primary Care Practice?

When you start a business, you need to have a great brand name that’s easy to pronounce, easy to spell, easy to type, and easy to find online.

You don’t want to pick something so common that it will be confused for another brand. For example, don’t pick Apple Clinic or Apple Health - there’s a lot of “Apple”s out there - Apple computers, Apple records, Fuji Apples, Granny Smith Apples, etc…

You also don’t want to pick something that is so uncommon as to be confusing or so esoteric that only a few people will understand. For example, “Salus Health” might be cool if you’re a Latin Scholar, but for the average person, they may have a hard time pronouncing, remembering, or spelling this name.

I recently took a course on improving my presence online, and they had this great table for what makes a great domain name for your direct primary care practice.

Here’s a handy guide to helping you pick a great domain name for your direct primary care practice.

For us, I’ll break down the pros and cons of using “PlumHealthDPC.com” for our business.

  1. Easy to type

    • Yes, PlumHealthDPC.com is relatively easy to type - there are about 13 letters

    • I would have preferred PlumHealth.com, but that domain was already taken

    • The idea here is to keep it simple, “DPC” is hard to communicate over the phone, so in general I would avoid including “DPC” in the name

    • Better domains for our practice would have been “PlumMedical.com” or “PlumClinic.com”

  2. Includes Keywords

    • Our name includes “Health” so that’s a plus

    • We could have been “Detroit Primary Care Clinic” or “DetroitDirectCare.com” but these get a little too long, and I don’t want to be confined to Detroit only - I would like to expand at some point beyond Detroit, so I don’t want to use “Detroit” in our name

  3. Available online and in real life

    • The great thing about Plum Health DPC is that it’s available as a business name and it’s available as a web domain at www.PlumHealthDPC.com

    • We registered our LLC as Plum Health DPC

    • There are no other companies nationwide called Plum Health

    • There is a local Plum Market, but at the time that we started, it had no locations in Detroit or Wayne County

  4. Reflects your type of business

    • Yes, Plum Health DPC reflects our type of busines

    • BUT not everyone knows what DPC or Direct Primary Care is

    • People generally understand that we’re a health care company, clinic, or primary care office by our name

  5. Protects your brand

    • In addition to PlumHealthDPC.com, we bought PlumHealthDetroit.com, which redirects to the former web address

    • So, if we’re on the phone with a prospective patient and they can’t understand “DPC”, we tell them to go to PlumHealthDetroit.com

I hope this helps as you brain storm your brand name and domain name!

-Dr. Paul Thomas with Plum Health DPC and Startup DPC