DPC is Hard

Direct Primary Care is Hard

Direct Primary Care is hard.

Fee-for-service is hard.

Choose your hard.

#DirectPrimaryCareIsHard #DPCisHARD

The secret is out - it’s hard to run a direct primary care practice. It’s hard to build a business from the ground up, to consistently communicate clearly with patients and their families. It’s hard to negotiate for better prices for lab services and it’s hard to learn how to draw blood. It’s hard to be responsible for ordering and dispensing medications for patients and for organizing a medication room. It’s hard to learn enough new skills to be successful in the direct primary care model.

But, it’s also hard to be an employed doctor in the fee-for-service model. It’s hard to have to see 20 to 30 patients each day. It’s hard to not have enough time to give your full time and care to your patients in the fee-for-service model. It’s hard to deal with the pajama notes and burnout that is associated with this fee-for-service style of practice.

Fortunately, you get to choose your hard.

You get to choose if you want to practice in the direct primary care model or in the fee-for-service model.

Choose wisely.