Startup DPC Book Gets a Shout out from a Successful DPC Doctor

The Startup DPC Book is Helping Doctors Start and Grow their Direct primary care practices

This week, a successful DPC Doctor, Peter Cashio, MD, gave a big shout out to the Startup DPC Book:

Starting on the Paul Thomas Social Media Marketing plan today. If you haven't picked up a copy of his book, Startup DPC, I HIGHLY recommend it. Lots of great nuts and bolts "how to" action items to move things forwards.

Note: this review and plug was completely unsolicited. Dr. Thomas provide what my entrepreneur friends call "high value."

Startup DPC Book Gets Eleven 5-star Reviews on Amazon

This week, the Startup DPC Book reached eleven 5-star reviews on Amazon. Here’s what one reviewer had to say:

As a student of business in the business of healthcare, one challenge I have faced is helping physicians "get" core business concepts. Medical training and the path to success is based on perfection (or near perfection). After all, who wants to be treated by a physician that is right some of the time! This training however makes it challenging for most doctors to accept standard business concepts such as risk vs. reward, perfect is the enemy of good, and so forth. And I've never personally witnessed a physician willing to "meet a patient where they are!"

There are hundreds of things to learn from Dr. Paul Thomas in this book. But if there is one thing a budding DPC doc should take away from this excellent book, it is to meet your patient where they are. I am confident if you do the basics correctly and live by this simple phrase, you will grow your practice quickly and retain your patients in an enduring manner.

Excellent work Dr. Thomas!

Todd McGee
Medical Practice COO/CFO and budding healthcare entrepreneur


If you enjoyed reading this blog post and if you want to learn more about starting and growing your direct primary care practice, look no further than our courses on how to start and grow your direct primary care practice. We at Startup DPC have begun compiling some of the best content available on this blog and in our courses.

The best place to start is to take our Direct Primary Care Business Plan course, available here. From there, you can learn how to attract new patients to your direct primary care practice and how to find the perfect location or build out the practice of your dreams.

Thanks for reading and watching, and best of luck in your direct primary care journey!

- Dr. Paul Thomas with Startup DPC